Am propriul meu board pe Pinterest cu idei de machiaj pentru ochi caprui. Asa cum probabil ai intuit, nuantele de mov sunt nelipsite. Ba chiar asta discutam la unul dintre cursurile de machiaj ale Dianei Ionescu: nu stiu persoana careia…
Am propriul meu board pe Pinterest cu idei de machiaj pentru ochi caprui. Asa cum probabil ai intuit, nuantele de mov sunt nelipsite. Ba chiar asta discutam la unul dintre cursurile de machiaj ale Dianei Ionescu: nu stiu persoana careia…
When I started a make-up course at Diana Ionescu (DIMS) here, in Bucharest, she told us to play more with the colours because after we’d start working as make-up artists, we’d be requested to use mainly natural shadows and I could…
Mi-a placut unul dintre machiajele purtate de Alina Eremia in videoclipul pentru piesa Imbracati sau goi atat de mult incat m-am decis sa il recreez. Asta si pentru ca stiu ca make-up artistul ei a fost Diana Ionescu, ale carei cursuri…
Am descoperit placa de indreptat parul in clasa a VII-a si tot de atunci am in permanenta una in casa. Daca nu mi s-ar arde foarte tare parul (acum si decolorat si vopsit) si nu ar dura o jumatate de…
I found the perfect option for those days when it’s too cold for shorts or skirts but too hot for long sleeves. Off the shoulder blouses and jeans is a good choice for when you need to leave the house…
I am counting the days, I can’t wait for summer to be here and to lay its ray of sunshine on me. I am a sucker for hot days and high temperatures, what can I say more? I have spent…
The festival make-up may be your daily basics, a really dramatic and heavy one or something crazy that you’ve never tried before. Either way, it should be worn with an attitude and it should express yourself. Don’t get me wrong,…
Double the lip – Double the trouble. Double the lip is the new extension for the They’re Real collection by Benefit. They also have some new eyeshadows that I can’t wait to tell you about but we’ll discuss that in a future…
Or at least that’s what they say. I had this black jumpsuit for over a month, worn it more than 5 times and didn’t get bored of it. Now that the weather got a bit cooler here, in Bucharest, I…
Master CAMO de la Maybelline este un produs 3 in 1: corecteaza diferentele de culoare, camufleaza imperfectiunile si ilumineaza in mod natural tenul. Today it’s all about a flawless face. In zilele noastre e foarte usor sa ne pierdem in…