Or at least that’s what they say. I had this black jumpsuit for over a month, worn it more than 5 times and didn’t get bored of it. Now that the weather got a bit cooler here, in Bucharest, I…
Or at least that’s what they say. I had this black jumpsuit for over a month, worn it more than 5 times and didn’t get bored of it. Now that the weather got a bit cooler here, in Bucharest, I…
Desi am luat contact cu crema Milk and Honey acum cateva luni, cremele de la Oriflame le stiu si le folosesc inca din scoala generala (adica de acum mai bine de 8 ani). Eram consultant Oriflame pe vremea aceea; cine se…
I never thought I would ever find the absolute me. I’ve been so insecure my whole life: friends, school and especially hobbies or persona style. I always thought of me as an open minded individual who has something to say but…
Sunday was a great day for a morning run or an afternoon walk in the park. The sun was up and the temperatures were high so I couldn’t resist to take a few pictures of what I wore. Sometime I feel…
Din ce exersez pregatirea unui mic dejun sanatos parca sunt mai priceputa la aranjarea elementelor in poze, haha! Daca esti blogger sau cochetezi ceva mai mult cu domeniul, stii la ce ma refer: poze dragute, luminoase, colorate, sa atraga privirea!…
Un machiaj de zi poate lua destul de multe forme si poate fi compus dintr-o paleta cromatica destul de mare. Cu toate acestea eu cred ca nimic nu il scoate din banal mai bine decat un ruj rosu. In pozele…
Astazi vreau sa iti vorbesc despre ce produse favorite am avut eu in luna Februarie. Nu stiu cand trece timpul, parca ieri faceam cumparaturile de Craciun si astazi imi scot la purtare tricourile, bluzele cu maneca scurta si camasile transparente.…
Astazi va mai dau inca o idee de mic dejun sanatos care sa va dea un boost de energie inca de la primele ore ale diminetii. Nu eram fana smoothies dar de cateva zile am incercat tot felul de combinatii…
Less is more in many cases. This is one of them. New photo by Denisa Sima / Google Photos New photo by Denisa Sima / Google Photos New photo by Denisa Sima / Google Photos Model: Bianca Petcu (@biancaelena.ptc) MUA…
In dimineata aceasta am mancat din nou un iaurt grecesc, cereale, cateva rondele de banana si o mana de coacaze. Nu avea sens sa mai scriu un articol pe tema aceasta pentru ca pur si simplu am repetat micul dejun…