De cativa ani sunt intr-o continua cautare a fondului de ten perfect pentru zi. Se intampla des sa gasesc un produs preferat dar in cateva luni ma plictisesc si vreau altceva. Si asa viata mea este intr-o continua cautare a fondului de ten perfect.
De cateva saptamani sunt in teste cu Fit me Foundation de la Maybelline NY si simt ca acum il cunosc destul de bine incat sa iti spun parerea mea sincera.
Ambalajul imi place, este usor de luat in calatorii sau de depozitat in sertar. Nu ma ingrijorez ca l-as putea sparge pentru ca este un tub din plastic. Nici faptul ca ii lipseste pompita nu ma deranjeaza. Stiu exact ce cantitate imi trebuie pentru a machia intreaga fata. Ca textura, produsul este lichid si se aseaza usor de ten. Nu incarca, se simte lejer si nu ofera aspect de masca, desi ma ajuta foarte bine in a masca imperfectiunile. Fondul de ten Fit me de la Maybelline are particule de pudra care ajuta la mentinerea sub control a sebumului. Din punctul acesta de vedere il consider potrivit pentru persoanele cu ten normal spre gras. Eu l-am purtat si toata ziua si am fost multumita de aspect. Ce-i drept, dupa cateva ore ofera un glow usor tenului, dar eu oricum sunt fata tehnicii de strobing asa ca mie imi place. Daca tu iti cauti un produs care sa matifieze foarte bine intreaga zi, s-ar putea sa fie nevoie sa ai o pudra in geanta.
Produsul are 6 nuante si gasesti swatch-uri pentru toate mai jos sau in video-ul de prezentare. Fit me Foundation se gaseste atat online cat si in marketurile fizice la pretul de ~30 lei.
I’ve been on a mighty quest for a daily foundation for many years now. I always find something that suits me for a few months and then I decide I am not satisfied with it anymore. That is when I start searching for a new product.
I’ve been testing out Fit me by Maybelline NY for a few weeks and now I can give you my honest opinion about it. This is my first Maybelline foundation I’ve ever tried and I like it so far.
The packaging is travel-friendly, I can store it easy almost everywhere . You don’t have to question if the bottle will break because we’re talking about plastic. The lack of pump doesn’t bother me, I know the amount of product I need for a full face. The formula suits me because it feels light on the skin. Fit me foundation has micro-powders to keep the shine under control. Because of that it’s perfect for normal to oily skin. I have friends that love it and friends that claim it won’t stay on the skin for many hours. Last time I had it on me it stayed for more than 5 hours. After a while, it gives you a natural glow. If you rather have a matte make-up, it may not be the best choice for you, but if you like dewy skin, you should give it a try. Many well known make-up artists are claiming the highlighting trend nowadays anyway.
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