
Storytime: from me to absolute me

I never thought I would ever find the absolute me. I’ve been so insecure my whole life: friends, school and especially hobbies or persona style. I always thought of me as an open minded individual who has something to say but never found the courage to push my limits. The basic me would never let the absolute me get out there and express herself. Having a different opinion on a subject but not wanting to speak out because you are afraid that people might think you are not on the same page as them may be difficult, sometimes terrifying. I remember many times when I had many good arguments for different topics but I always kept them to myself.

Now that I know what held me back, I am on my way to find what challenges me and makes me the absolute me.

At first I didn’t get it but after many changes and rough paths, I finally understand what took me so long to realise what held me back all this time: my comfort zone. It was easier to hang out with the same people, easier to rather shut up than speak up my mind, easier to wear the same t-shirt style than try out crazy or stylish combinations that I was always pinning to my inspirational board. It was easier to be the same old me rather than bring out the absolute me.

Working out, healthy eating, daily vlogging or going for a more feminine look on a daily basis are just a few of the changes I made. At the beginning I felt like I was in someone else’s shoes but now I feel like I am finally on my way to my true self.

absolute me absolute you denisasimam absolute me absolute you denisasimam

For the moment, B.U. challenged me to tell you more about my story and the absolute me. I am so curious about your story and how you met the absolute you!

Before I will let you know more, come here for more surprises and beautiful prizes!



  • Adi
    March 31, 2017 at 12:04 pm

    Mă regăsesc atât de mult în ce ai scris…… Sper ca într-o buna zi sa pot spune și eu am am depășit Bariera 🙂 bună mult succes și keep up the great work

    • Denisa Sima M.
      April 1, 2017 at 7:43 am

      Multumesc frumos!
      Nici eu nu pot spune ca sunt complet comfortabila facand unele schimbari dar daca la finalul zilei te simti implinita sau ca macar esti pe drumul tau atunci eu cred ca esti unde trebuie. 😀

  • […] Storytime: from me to absolute me […]

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